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TV & Remote

August 17rd 2024


This is something people use in modern times when they need to do something they can't be bothered to do. Such as turning the telly on and off. Or making food heat up. Or opening their car windows. Or speaking another language.

Mostly technology doesn't work actually if you really look into it.

We looked into it in depth by dressing up as technology. We found ourselves to be correct about this not working thing.

This example shows how technology doesn't work in real life.

It also shows that it is fun to dress up as technology and to mimick technology behaviour.

Praps we will do another technology when we can be arsed.

This technology experiment was done while other people were doing something that was technology at the time of invention. It is called Wetplate.

You get a plate and wet it and somehow or other it makes a photograph which was the newest technology in the days of wetplate photography. Now you can easily do this on a phone so what is all the hoohar about?

Our friend Ray is very good at Wetplate

Also our friend David is.

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